"Enter the new country"

It seems that you keep crossing and recrossing the border. For a while you experience a really joy in the new country. But then you feel afraid and start longing again for all you left behind, so you go back to the old country. To your dismay, you discover that the old country has lost its charm. Risk a few more steps into the new country, trusting that each time you enter it, you will feel more comfortable and be able to stay longer. (p.22)

- From The Inner Voice of Love. Henri Nouwen

새로운 곳에서의 삶이 기쁜 것 같다가도, 뒤에 두고 온 것들과 과거에 대해 미련이 남기 마련이다. 그래도 믿음을 가지고 새로운 곳으로 한발한발 나아가면 과거의 자리는 잊혀지고 새로운 삶을 향해 부르시는 음성을 발견할 수 있다. 
