Why Anseong grapes are great

The history of Anseong grapes dates back to 1901 (18th year of the reign of Chosun King Gojong), when the French Catholic father/missionary, Antonio Combert (Father An-guk Gong in Korean), planted the Muscat grape variety in the garden of his church (the abbey of Gupo-dong, Anseong). Father Combert brought the Muskat grape from his home in the Rhone Valley and planted the grapes in order to make wine to be used for sacramental/worship services.

Since the climate of Korea is very different from that of France, only 2 of the 30 grape varieties brought by Combert were able to flourish. But Anseong has had appropriate range of temperatures and huge diurnal range of temperatures to provide fruits with abundant fragrance and taste and superior soil to become the optimum environment for fruit culturing. The hardy grape varieties brought by Father Combert are now known as the “Anseong grapes.”

Father Combert is now considered the “founding father” of Korean grape and wine industry. Thanks to Father Combert, Anseong is well-known for its quality grapes.  Although Korea still needs to lie heavily on the foreign imports, some people keep the winemaking tradition brought to Korea by Father Antonio Combert.

안성 포도 왜 유명할까? 20세기 초 고종 18(1901), 프랑스 사제이자 선교사인 콤베르 신부가 안성 지역에 와서 포도를 기르기 시작한 것이 안성 포도의 기원이다. 콤베르 신부는 성찬에 사용할 목적으로 직접 포도를 재배했고 이후 한국 토양과 환경 등에 최적화시킨 거봉이 안성 포도를 대표하게 되었다. 안성 포도는 여전히 지역 명산으로 유명하지만 정작 포도주는 그 명맥을 잇지 못하고 있다. 그래도 소수의 사람들에 의해 전통을 이으려는 노력이 계속되고 있다고 함. 자세한 내용은 아래의 사이트 참고.

* Anseong Wine (안성와인) | Official Korea Tourism Organization
* Column : GyeongGi-Do Tourism
* Attraction - Visit Medical Korea
* A Word to the Wise About Wine - OhmyNews International

* Denis Gastin - GranMonte

BTW, "you are not alone" here in Anseong Saesaram Church.
